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Minnesota News - Summer 2019

Posted on Monday, June 3, 2019

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of ARCS in Minnesota!

Join us for our all-member celebration and social event at Crooner’s Lounge on Tuesday July 23 from 6-8 pm. Come celebrate all that we have accomplished in 10 years and learn about what is happening with ARCS in Minnesota. There will be time to socialize followed by dinner. 

Crooners is located in Fridley on beautiful Moore Lake. Crooners has an interesting story about how it was founded. You can read about it here. (Hint: it involves a piano on a cruise ship.)

Please register, so we know how many will be attending. There is no fee to register.

Bring a friend!

Member News

June is Member renewal month. Sign into the member portal and click the ARCS Membership link on the left.

If you would like more information about ARCS in Minnesota or are a woman interested in becoming a member, please Contact Us

Scholar Award event – Save the date: Oct. 24, 2019

  • The Scholar Event will be held at the Cargill Building on the Unioversity of Minnesota St. Paul Campus.
    1500 Gortner Ave St Paul 55108   

5 Scholar Awards!

  • We mark a milestone this year by presenting Scholar Awards to 5 outstatnding students from all 5 of our approved departments.
  • Second-year awards will be given to Nick Heller from Computer Science and Freddie Miller (Power of 100 Southwest Scholar) from Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biophysics.

NEW- Scientist of the Year!

  • We are creating a Scientist of the Year Award to honor outstanding Minnesota scientists at the University and in industry.
  • Professor Robert Tranquillo, out-going Chair of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, is the ARCS MN Scientist of the Year for 2019.
  • He will speak at the Scholar Award event about the tissue engineering research he is doing that could someday replace defective heart valves in young children.
  • Check out this video that highlights Dr. Tranquillo's potentially ground-breaking research.

Scholar News

  • Chris Korenczuk successfully defended his thesis in May.
    His thesis topic was Failure Mechanics of Ascending Aortic Aneurysms.
    Chris is now working in the R&D department of Boston Scientific.
    Congratulations Dr. Korenczuk!
  • Greg LeFevre, former Minnesota ARCS Scholar and now a professor at the University of Iowa, has won a prestigious NSF career award given to early-career scientists.
  • Freddie Miller, Power of 100 Southwest Scholar, has received two presitigious teaching awards from her department and the College of Biological Sciences. Congratulations Freddie!

Minnesota ARCS Light 2019

Leslie Martens is Minnesota’s ARCS Light Award winner for 2019.

She was nominated for her work organizing the event at Hysitron, for her multi-year tenure on the Board, and for introducing us to the Power of 100 leading to a 2-year Scholar Award for 2018-2020.

Congratulation Leslie!


Board News

We have added 2 new board members: Ingrid Blair and Amanda Hayward.

  • Ingrid worked over 32 years for 3M. She will help coordinate our October Scholar Award Event.
  • Amanda is a former Minnesota ARCS Scholar. She recently completed her PhD and is working on a post-doc at the University of Minnesota.

Welcome to the Board, Ingrid and Amanda!