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Seraphina Yong

Posted on Monday, July 1, 2024

I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Minnesota. I work in the lab of Lana Yarosh, Evan Suma Rosenberg. I have B.S. in Computer Science from University of Chicago and a M.S. in Computer Science from National Tsing Hua University.

My research focuses on designing emerging technologies (e.g., virtual reality, novel interactive systems) and leveraging their capabilities to improve the quality of human personal relationships. The majority of current-day technology focuses on improving task and work efficiency, while the quality of personal relationships which are crucial elements of our lives may decline due to neglect of social bonds in the design of technology-mediated interactions.

My work provides the perspective that technology advancements also have meaningful use to improve seemingly deep and intangible elements of interpersonal relationships, such as by enabling new ways for people to fundamentally reflect on their social relationships and providing tools that enrich online social interactions.

The goal of my work is to benefit society through creating, demonstrating, and assessing new ways for technology systems to support human relationships, such as families and friendships.

My career objectives are to continue generating research on technology for social well-being that is valuable to society, and to provide to budding researchers a mentorship which can promote their development.

I enjoy learning about other cultures and spend much of my free time reading world literature and graphic novels. I am familiar with languages other than English, such as Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, and Japanese (in decreasing order of fluency). I also enjoy drawing and listening to different types of music.