Lizzy Crist Named IEM Junior Investigator Pilot Project Awardee | Minnesota


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Lizzy Crist Named IEM Junior Investigator Pilot Project Awardee

Posted on Friday, October 9, 2020

Elizabeth (Lizzy) Crist, Ph.D. candidate, Department of Biomedical Engineering has been named one of the four awardees of the 2020 IEM Junior Investigator Pilot Project . This program was instituted at this year’s IEM Annual Conference. The purpose of this new format is to seed new connections across IEM that bring faculty labs together in unexpected ways and to empower Junior Investigators to generate ideas and form teams to pursue them. Lizzy was the only one of the 4 candidates who does not already have a PhD. Here is a link to her poster presentation. Lizzy's talk begins at minute 11. 

Congratulations Lizzy!

Lizzy Crist, PhD Candidate BME