Dr. Amy Hauck, Minnesota Roche/ARCS Scholar in Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics at the University of Minnesota, completed her Ph.D. in November 2017. She is settling into her NIH postdoctoral fellowship position at the University of Pennsylvania in the laboratory of Dr. Mitchell Lazar in the Institute for Diabetes, Obesity, & Metabolism. During her post-doc, Amy will be studying the epigenetics (mechanisms that turn gene expression off or on) of formation of white fat cells vs. brown fat cells.
On a recent trip to Philadelphia, Minnesota ARCS Board Member, Judith Benham VP of University Relations, had a chance to visit with Amy and introduce her to a friend and colleague, Dr. Madeleine Joullie, Professor of Chemistry at the University of Pennsylvania. ARCS is pleased to see a scholar launched into new adventures in new places with new communities, expanding her scientific and personal network.